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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Is Your Child A Bully?

No one wants to hear that their child is a bully. But if complaints are building up from children, teachers or other parents that your son or daughter is bullying other kids, it's a good idea to listen.

Bullying has gained media attention recently because of the shootings at Virginia Tech. The shooter, Seung-Hui Cho, was bullied in high school, according to some of his former classmates. Many victims of bullying later become bullies themselves, experts say.

Children and teens who are bullies are more likely to become criminals than other children. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, boys who were identified as bullies in middle school were four times as likely as their non-bullying peers to have more than one criminal conviction by the time they're 24.

And it's not just a boy problem. Girls bully other girls, but in different ways. Although these methods may not be physical, emotionally they are just as damaging, experts say. Cyber-bullying—harassing and insulting someone through email, Web sites, text messages or instant messaging—frequently happens with girls as the bully and the bullied. (Boys can be cyber-bullied too.)



TomKat Woes

Many years from now, when Suri Cruise is doing research for her tell-all, she'll discover that the tabloids marked her momentous first birthday in the traditional way -- by dissecting her parents' conspiracy-surrounded coupling. "Her Painful Choice: No Way Out," trumpets the front of the latest Us Weekly. "In love with Tom, but confined by Scientology, a conflicted Katie struggles to find happiness." A mole alleges to the mag that a beleaguered Holmes was "offended" when Cruise suggested she take church-approved "mommy classes." Another supposed sticking point with the newlyweds: She's constantly surrounded by her hubby's fellow L. Ron Hubbard-devoted minions, with only BFF Victoria Beckham offering her "a link to the outside world." Huh. Star, meanwhile, goes for a more conventional approach, offering up a no-nonsense "Divorce!" headline and claiming a tearful Katie has had it up to her cold, dead eyeballs with her "critical" mother-in-law. Life & Style, on the other hand, exhales, "Finally! Tom's Side of the Story," and delves into his purported fears over whether Katie is in love with him or what's left of his fame.


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