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Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Mother Experience

Hello all,

It's been about a week since I blogged. I was away "out of state" visiting my sister and her new born baby boy "what a handsome little bugger".

This one is for all you new first time mother's out there that are having a little more stress than usual this days now that you had a life changing experience. Now I could give you all the advice in the world to try and help you with your current situation but I am not going to do that, what I will do is suggest that you check out this particular link and you can do some research and get your on advise through what works for you.

Just remember no matter how similar each baby experience is everybody and every baby is different. You will need to make up your on system to smooth your life out "back to semi normal" again.

This link will help tremendously. You don't have to do exactly what the next person is telling you to do. Follow some of the steps but incorporate some of your own steps and the formula will work perfectly.



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