I'm back at the keyboard to let those of you who don't know about PayPerPost be enlightened by some great money blogging info.
The difference with PPP is that they only charge a 35% service fee compared to ReviewMe and other blogging companies that charge more than the above 35% and even a 100% markup. Now tell me you don't want to take a look a PPP just to see what they offer and it's free. Until then I will tell you a little more about blog marketing.
For me and "I think I can safely say that for all others" PPP is a no hassle blog opportunity. You don't have to worry about meeting an impossible quota "you blog as much or as little as you like". This will give you the chance to express your writing abilities, thoughts, opinions and get paid for the things that you have always blogged about.
There are quite a few times where there are over 100 opp's per day to blog about. These are the things that you already know about or have used before.
There are additional ways to make more with PPP by participating in their affiliate program "Review My Post" and others. Those with a high traffic blogs can get in on what PayPerPost calls "Big Green". "Big Green" is just that. You can recieve $75, $100, or $1000 just for one post. Sweeeeeeeeet, and that's just a taste of what PayPerPost (PPP) has to offer.
Now doesn't that make you happy.

blog marketing