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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Say It Right..... Now!

So I'm tripp'n.... on how you can truely think that that someone is your friend and they can keep such life changing secrects from you. I know.... I can take as if that person has a right to not let anyone know certain things but when that certain person you called a friend keeps a secrect that is the very important, the very samething that you shared with them it hurts just a little more, and after you asked them with sincerity and they just dog lie to you.

Man this Nelly Furtado song is just for you....


Advances In One Business Day

Payday Advance has never been easier. Online access gives you the convience of time saving and privacy.The process is automatic and convenient. Once your loan is approved, the funds are electronically deposited into your account via an ACH transaction.

As we all know, loan limits are determined on an individual basis. Each individuals credit limit will based on a number of things, some of which would be your monthly income, the dollar amount you may have already borrowed from other payday loan companies (if any) and other credit worthiness factors. Many states have limits on the amount which can be borrowed.


Doing Abdominal Crunches The Right Way

Abdominal crunches can help you keep your core muscles strong - but only if you know the right way to do them. Fitness expert Jonathan Cane explains how to get the most out of your crunches.

Here’s how to get the most out of your abdominal crunches.....

By slowing the movement down and eliminating the momentum and eliminating all the flailing of the arms, it's making the exercise harder to do and focusing all the energy on the muscles.

Eliminate the space between your lower back and the floor. That's protecting your lower back and that's always going to be the starting point for any abdominal exercise.

You're going to slow everything down and keep the elbows nice and wide, keep space, thinking as if he has a tennis ball between your chin and your chest and then your going to come up a little bit higher than you usally do, all in a slow, controlled movement. Three seconds up, pausing at the top, three seconds down and, again, you see the elbows stay nice and wide, space between the chin and the chest as a result you will got daylight under you shoulder blades at the top of the range of motion "the shadow of your back will show on the floor".


Gone With the Martian Wind

Mars is a very windy place?so windy, in fact, that bright, oxidized martian soil is being scoured away by martian winds and dust devils to reveal darker, sub-surface soil with the end result of making the whole planet warmer. Mars is experiencing its own brand of climate change. Is this related to planet earth?s greenhouse gas driven climate change? No. Is understanding the process important for our understanding of how planets evolve and change over time? Absolutely.

In early April of this year, a young Carl Sagan Center Principal Investigator named Lori Fenton, together with her colleagues at? NASA Ames Research Center and the USGS in Flagstaff Arizona, published an article in the journal Nature revealing the phenomenon of the rise in the martian global temperature over the past 20 years. The rise, less that 2? for both surface and air temperature, is still significant from a geologic perspective.

The mechanism for the warming is due to the change in brightness, or ?albedo? of the martian surface. The light, bright, oxidized martian surface soil reflects a significant amount of solar radiation, tending to keep Mars cool, just as wearing white on a hot summer?s day is cooling. The darker, more absorbent subsurface soil, revealed after a windstorm or dust devil passes through on Mars, retains more heat, just as wearing dark clothes will on that same hot summer?s day here on earth. The result of more exposed dark soil is that the temperature of Mars has gone up between one and two degrees over the last two decades.

Such a change is very intriguing and has never before been seen on any planet. The martian atmosphere is significantly thinner than that on earth. It?s similar to what is found on our home planet at about 100,000 feet. Even so, the winds that result from the movement of even such a thin atmosphere are clearly strong enough to have a profound impact on the planet. Comparative planetologists and climate modelers will be monitoring Mars closely for the next 20 years and beyond, trying to discern if there is some sort of pattern to the changes and if the trend seems to be continuing. The truth is, we have only begun to monitor and record such data and are just beginning to track changes as they unfold.

Mars dust devils have been in space news before now. In fact, the Mars Rover twins, Spirit and Opportunity, owe their lives to the quixotic martian winds. Gusts of wind and dust devils pass over the solar arrays on the intrepid robotic explorers just often enough to scour away the ubiquitous martian dust from the surface of their mission prolonging solar arrays and sweep away the dust build-up, allowing the 4 year old batteries to recharge. This helpful process was completely unforeseen.

With new high resolution instruments on Mars, thanks to the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and advanced landers and rovers in the pipeline with Phoenix Scout and Mars Science Laboratory due to launch in the next few years, we will continue to get information on martian winds and weather and discover just what else is gone with the wind.



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