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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

To The Loves That Never Die

Can you feel what I am saying as far as the title post of this blog. I mean... maaan, you know how it is when we have many different loves in our lives, but the handful that hold life's meaning, it's answers to let us know that we can still show our most humane emotion, to let us know that we still have that type of fire and calm that lyes in us as an individual soul. Those are the loves that will never die. Those loves haunt the very dept of memory until the light on this small world burn away.

I choose Daughtry for this post because him and similar artist have felt or are feeling this type of love and passion as we speak.

They and so many "including myself" know that type of burn "not saying a bad thing" but they have thay voice to sing it like that, you konw.... sing it how our hearts feel.




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