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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Users

Friends, family, countryman... lend me a dollar. That's all I heard over the holiday, as if I'm not on borderline broke myself. Everyone has that particular family member or "friend" that thinks you have the bank to give them or other resources that you have that may help them in some endevore that they a hatching up inside the norrow alleyway that they call the mind. Needless to say the rest of the holiday was cool. I had to work the rest of the holiday but I'm not the only one who had to do so. But that little encounter can be a small let down because they are not on the same level of thinking that you may be on such as showing up for the holidays for your family in best wishes for them and yourself to prosper and other family members that are there to so called prosper on thier behalh and your pocket book. The point is not to get so upset about it. When holidays come around and you know that this particular family member will arrive at the yearly functions (and they will), just make a game of it... pay attention to them and count how many people they asked throughout the function. See how many fall for it and see how many of your family members don't and when next your comes around see if the same people fall for it again or if they learned their listen at last years gathering. Believe me... this will become a game favorite at your next family get together. Happy holidays.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Public School Drama

For all of you that may have children I know at one point and time your child came to you and told you about someone in their class or school that has been messing with them from time to time or everyday. Well in this case my son is experiencing the same delimma.

Now my son is no saint but he is a good kid but this particular child that my son is having a problem with isn't your regular school bully, this child seems to have a problem with touch other little kids in the private areas. At least once a week my son would tell me about this kid but my son didn't go into full extent of what was going on until last week. I asked him why he didn't tell me this before and he said that he was to ashamed to tell me in detail which I understood. So I aksed him did he let his teacher know what was going on he told me that he would let his teacher know that this kid was messing with him and the teacher would just tell my son to get back in line or to be queit and finish what he was working on.

With this said I went up to the school to confront the issue and the first thing that came out of the teachers mouth was patronizism. When she did that it made my mind instantly flash back to my public school days and how the teachers back then really didn't differ from the teachers today which is very sad to me.

After my son, myself, the teacher and the little boy had a small meeting in the school hallway we all came to an understanding "I hope". The kids went back into class and so did the teacher and I turned around to leave as I was leaving I heard the teacher getting on my sons case about how he is not a saint either. The thing was the teacher thought I was gone, so I crept around the corner " I mean in straight stealth mode" and surprised her which made me even more anger because she was chestizing my son instead of correcting the matter at hand.

People... this is what's going on in our childerns schools and the teacher can give a danm about it, some never cared in the first place and other came into the teaching profession with all the heart and will to see a child develope into a promising adult and after years of being dragged through the school system themselves their passion for teaching has been exstinquised and replaced with half assed teaching methods, low pay scale, a crappy retirement, and year after year of class overflow and half of them are unruley childern.

This particular procces helps aid in low test scores in public schools along with turning a blind eye and ear to childern that a calling for help whether it's about school ciriculum or that one/group of kids that's making your childs school life a living hell for them.



Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Mother Experience

Hello all,

It's been about a week since I blogged. I was away "out of state" visiting my sister and her new born baby boy "what a handsome little bugger".

This one is for all you new first time mother's out there that are having a little more stress than usual this days now that you had a life changing experience. Now I could give you all the advice in the world to try and help you with your current situation but I am not going to do that, what I will do is suggest that you check out this particular link and you can do some research and get your on advise through what works for you.

Just remember no matter how similar each baby experience is everybody and every baby is different. You will need to make up your on system to smooth your life out "back to semi normal" again.

This link will help tremendously. You don't have to do exactly what the next person is telling you to do. Follow some of the steps but incorporate some of your own steps and the formula will work perfectly.



Friday, November 03, 2006

Benefits For Everyone No Matter Your Situation

Is the high cost of quality supplemental healthcare getting you down? Are you one of 7 out of 10 Americans with no Dental Benefits? Look no further…it is now possible to access affordable Dental, Vision, Prescription Drug and Chiropractic Care for a membership fee of less than $12.00 per month.

Since 1992, our members have saved hundreds of millions of dollars by paying significantly discounted fees using the AmeriPlan® provider network with more than 100,000 healthcare professionals nationwide.

Your life is full of precious things; the people you love, the home you live in, products you need to keep the things you value most in life secure and set your mind at ease. A good place to start is right here:



The Endless Search Has Ceased

Like so many of you that are on the web just as much as I am if not more.... are possibly looking for a legit job or home based business that fit your criteria. I have be searching for years and nothing came up until recently. The thing is I have been a skeptic about this company since I heard about it 3 years ago. I am talking about Ameriplan. I had never seen anything like it. When I sarted with this great company I was even more nervous about starting a home based business but the turn over was at lighting speed and has not stopped since. Just pretty much giving all of you a place to start making your dreams come true in no time flat. So stop looking through the endless sea of web advertisments and start living your life right now...



Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What do you think of the Ab Lounge 2?

The "Ab Lounge 2" is great. Before I had my son I had 9% body fat. For a hieght of 5'9 and a weight of 134 lbs that is wonderful. While I was pregnant I ballooned up to 223 lbs. After I had my son I thought that I would natuarlly shed the exccess weight...wroooong. 6 years later and I was still over 200 lbs. As usual on a late night I was flipping through channels on my cable TV and seen the infomercial for the "Ab Lounge 2"... changed the channel and I didn't think twice about it. Woke up that next morning and behold the same infomercial was on. So I called customer service and ordered it. All the while I was thinking about how the "Ab Lounge 2" was going to become a decorative clothes rack like the rest of my exercise equipment. Well... it finally arrived and for 8 days I left it sitting in its orginal packaging. My son "now 7 yrs old" asked why I haven't opened my new exercise equipment yet... so I did, and haven't looked back since. I am now weighing in at 146 lbs and my abs look as though I never was pregnant. The best part about the equipment is that it supports your entire body, so those with back problems and want to get in shape should truely consider the " Ab Lounge 2" and on top of that it is very affordable. I want to thank the makers of "Ab Lounge 2" for helping me fill like me again.

ab lounge


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