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Monday, April 16, 2007

Smart Advertising?

If your wanting to get some additional positive exposure than advertise on blogs. Advertisers can pay bloggers to write opinion posts with links back to the advertisers site.

If you need alittle help with getting started with some great advertising here are some tips:

First, create your account. A quick and simple process gets you on the way to creating ad campaigns and building inbound links.

Second, create a topic, keywords and provide your site links. Bloggers will write their opinion on your site and services based on what you provide. If you bid a higher amount per post you are more likely to be offered and accepted by higher ranked blogs.

Thrid,administrators will review your campaign. It will be approved or declined based on our rules.

Fourth, your ad campaign will be distributed to bloggers. They will review your site and services including links on keyword anchor text back to your domain name. This will build inbound links to your site and help your rankings.

Advertisers have the right to review all blog articles. If you feel any article does not comply with our rules then you can dispute the post and adminstrators will then investigate so there are no worries on your end.

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